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About UBI


Good People Good Company

CSR is all about people.
UBI values individual employee who serves our company and believes our people can change the world.
UBI believes the true cost of a product comes not only from the quality of product but the people who produce it.
UBI provides best workplace environment for our people and monitor it thru our own management system.


Ubase International, Inc. as well as all the business partners doing business
with UBI should abide by the following code of conduct:

Our CEO puts compliance in utmost priority in doing business.
UBI have own Code of Conduct and our business is built on this code of conduct.
  • 1
    Child Labor
    Hire employees based on the local law or in the age of 18 or above, whichever stricter.
  • 2
    Working Hours
    Provide at least one day off in seven and control
    working hours as required by the local law.
  • 3
    Wages and Benefits
    Provide wages and legal benefits in compliance
    with the local law.
  • 4
    Humane Treatment
    Treat all employees with dignity and respect.
  • 5
    Respect employees’ cultural and individual differences
    and employ based on their ability to perform the task
  • 6
    Forced Labor
    Prohibit involuntary labor of any kind, including prison
    labor, debt bondage, slave labor or forced labor
  • 7
    Freedom of Association
    Respect the right of employees to freely join
    organizations or engage in collective bargaining.
  • 8
    Abide by the environmental laws and regulations of
    respective countries.
  • 9
    Health and Safety
    Abide by the health and safety laws and regulations of
    respective countries.
  • 10
    Use only factories that are authorized by our customers
    for production.
  • 11
    Accountability, Transparency
    and Ethics
    Manage business with honesty and integrity within
    ethical standards that are compatible with the customers.
  • 12
    Brand Protection
    Abide by our customers’ Brand Protection policy and
    respect our customers’ copyrights.

UBI Compliance team

UBI HQ Compliance team directly reports to CEO and UBI have individual local
compliance team in Vietnam and Philippines.

UBI Compliance management system is based on UBI Code of Conduct, local law and buyer’s standards and regulations.
We have internal self-audit system to monitor and sustain the compliance within our company.
We also conduct regular trainings to our employees from top to bottom level to ensure all UBI employees
understand and follow compliance requirements.

Good Practices

HER Project(Health Enables Returns Project)
UBI strongly supports HER project and have our factory UBI VINA 1 to join this program since 2015. HER project empowers women working in global supply chains through workplace-based programs, capacity building of local civil society, and advocacy with business and government.
FACT(Factory Awareness to Counter Trafficking)
This training is to teach workers how to protect themselves from human
trafficking in the supply chain. Workers in UBI VINA 1 have joined this training in 2016 and the factory has been certified.
Better Work
UBI had been closely working with Better Work since 2010 thru UBI VINA 1 and is currently under 7th cycle now. UBI VINA 2 also recently joined Better Work program. Better Work brings governments, global brands, factory owners, unions and workers together to improve working conditions in the garment industry and have win-win relationship.
Higg Index
All UBI Vietnam factories use Higg Index tool to conduct internal evaluation on sustainability. Through this tool, factory recognizes current factory’s social and environmental performances and set up future plans for improvement. The metrics are linked with UBI customers who support Higg Index and validation visit is arranged occasionally to check the factory’s actual performance status.

Status of Social Contribution

( Exchange rate : 1 USD = 1,150 KRW / Unit : USD )